Our new paper on the neural correlates of anesthesia in newborn mice and humans is out
In it, we identify ephys features that in both mice and humans closely track proxies of anesthesia depth:
In it, we identify ephys features that in both mice and humans closely track proxies of anesthesia depth:
New articel about our recent PLOS Biology paper about coordinated activity in the developing olfactory bulb- entorhinal cortex network is published in lab animal The noses have it: murine brain development starts with a smell (Ellen P. Neff)
Chronic boosting of early oscillatory activity in neonatal prefrontal cortex leads to premature dendritic growth, as well as impaired gamma activity.
New article in Science Trends about our recent publication about the developing olfactory bulb
We are happy to announce that Prof. Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz was elected as member of the board of directors of the international brain bee. Brain Bee
Congrats to our former PhD student Joachim Ahlbeck, that won the @SFB_936 PhD paper of the year 2018 award
In contrast to other sensory systems, the olfactory system is already fully mature at birth, controlling mother-offspring interactions and neonatal survival.
Perturbation of developmental processes of prefrontal layer II/III pyramidal neurons is sufficient to diminish prefrontal-hippocampal coupling and impairs cognitive performance throughout development.
We a very proud of our college Sebastian Bitzenhofer who got awarded with the PhD price from the Freundes- und Förderkreis des UKE e.V.. Congratulations Sebastian! [link]
Optogenetic approaches offer huge advantages in spatial, temporal and cell-type specific control of neuronal activity