Tine On Posted on 22. Mai 201922. Mai 2019 by Tine to Latest Publications Our new paper on the neural correlates of anesthesia in newborn mice and humans is out In it, we identify ephys features that in both mice and humans closely track proxies of anesthesia depth: Neural Correlates of Anesthesia in Newborn Mice and Humans Chini, M., Gretenkord, S., Kostka, J. K., Pöpplau, J. A., Cornelissen, L., Berde, C. B.,Hanganu-Opatz, I. L. & Bitzenhofer, S. H. (2019). Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 13, 38. PreviousPrevious post:The noses have it: murine brain development starts with a smell NextNext post:Our new paper about developmental dysfunctions in the PFC-HP network is out!
In it, we identify ephys features that in both mice and humans closely track proxies of anesthesia depth: Neural Correlates of Anesthesia in Newborn Mice and Humans Chini, M., Gretenkord, S., Kostka, J. K., Pöpplau, J. A., Cornelissen, L., Berde, C. B.,Hanganu-Opatz, I. L. & Bitzenhofer, S. H. (2019). Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 13, 38.